TV shows ranking

Well, apparently you've read about Prision Break's characteristics, so we thought you'd like a guide of the best TV shows ever!!!!! No more talk, let's begin!!
  •  Friends

That's a huge classic, one of my favorites, and the funniest!! It's about a group of friends and it's rotine. If you haven't seen, watch the intro, I'm sure you'll love it!

And besides the TV show, this year came out the trailer of the new movie! YES!!!! and if you wanna watch it, you can do it in this link bellow!
  • American Horror Story
It's famous because as the title says, it's about the horror stories from America. All the seasons are holding different stories, different fears and different mysteries. There are 5 of them. I'll give you the 5 intros, 
Pick one, let's see if you handle it.

Season 1- Murder House (2011)  
Season 2- Asylum (2012)
Season 3- Coven (2013)
(that's my favorite!!)
Season 4- Freak Show
Season 5- Hotel 
And now? Are you brave enough?

  • The Vampire Diaries
Damon and Stefan are brothers, S. is the good and D. is the bad, and they fell in love for the same girl, and they're going to fight hard for her, but they're vampires. Let's see how it is!

  • Pretty Little Liars
Lastly but not less important, PLL! There are 5 friends, Aria (Me, haha), Spencer, Hanna, Emily and Alison. The story begins when Alison disappear, and since the did it, everybody thought she was dead, but some mensages was barging them, saying it was "-A". It's full of mysteries, loves and of course, friendship!

"Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret"

Bye, tks!!


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